Isoplástica de Carrasco - Mural OMPI - Julio Carrasco Bretón

Carrasco's Isoplástic.

Created by the artist himself, bears his name in honor of his father “Julio Carrasco Rojo”. It consists in a glass fiber laminate with siliconized powdered marble containing mainly a fine mesh supported by metal profiles of a specific size, as well as a specific concentration of resin formulation with several reagents in order to avoid the laminate crackling and to allow the laminate to be rolled for its transportation to any place in the world. Rolled out, this surface has the consistency of a wall and before starting the mural painting a layer of titanium dioxide is applied on it. “Carrasco” uses high resistance mineral pigments mixed with methyl methacrylate.

Grabado - Julio Carrasco Bretón


Julio Carrasco Bretón gives a personal touch to each engraving, as every item in the edition is finished by the artist’s own hand in order to preserve the aura, in accordance with Walter Benjamin’s concept about this, thereby preventing the loss of the human breath or imprint in the reproduction.

Litografía - Julio Carrasco Bretón


Nowadays rarely found, this printing method name comes from greek terms lithos ‘stone’ and graphe ‘drawing’.
Maestro Carrasco works these pieces directly on stone, i.e, are conceived without previous drawings and ignoring what is he about to draw. The artist seeks spontaneity following “the decisive instant of unconscious upwelling” principle for facing the white surface of stone itself.

Tinta - Julio Carrasco Bretón


He makes his inks using the Oriental technique of pointillism, but also uses diluted ink for creating “wash”.


A kind of engraving in which a single print is made, without producing more identical prints. He creates them using oil paint, acrylic, or printing inks or Indian ink.

Serigrafía - Julio Carrasco Bretón

Screen printing.

Method for making reproductions on any surface by means of transferring ink through a mesh drawn taut over a frame.

In screen printing, the artist starts working spontaneously on the mesh and, due to this fact, the resulting piece is really unique.

Collage - Julio Carrasco Bretón


It is an artistic technique based on assembling a variety of elements. The term comes from the French word coller, which means to paste.
Creates them from the “ludical” principle (as in a game of randomly throwing the pieces). Consists in trimming pieces of cardboard, cloth, plastic, fibers, as well as several flat and recycled materials. The process consists in ignoring what is to be represented with th set of cutouts; these are thrown through the air and, as they fall on the supporting surface, he starts imagining figures, objects, faces, etc., using the paranoic-critical method of Salvador Dalí.

Fotografía - Julio Carrasco Bretón


His photographs reflect the need of creating a photographic route about what happens in his travels, his studies and Nature.

Escultura - Julio Carrasco Bretón


Molding and carving on stone, wood, clay, etc.…

Cromopoema - Julio Carrasco Bretón


The conversion of words into image in synchrony.