Ludic Art

Monotipo - Julio Carrasco Bretón

Ludic Artists Society Manifest

LUDIC ART consists in rescuing the reality intrinsic values ​​of humanism, forgotten in the artistic manifestations of past centuries.

It seeks to bring art to everyday´s life through contact with artistic objects in their urban and housing environment, utensils, appliances, instruments, and so on.

It converges a plurality of expressions, artifices and styles of the creators into artistic works by the concept of the ludic.

The playful art will generate a change in the development and results of the personal forms of the creativity of each author in the artistic disciplines.

It touches and disrupts any phenomenon of reality and searches for “connecting vessels” between the historical, the mystical, the erotic, the political, the ecological, technological or scientific.

It can represent ironically, derisively and mockingly the lacerating and violent contents of the prevailing reality.

It may break into non-traditional spaces for placement or distribution.

In essence any of its expressions contains or formulates a game that gives rise to new games.

It proposes a touchable, usable, movable, transformable, transformable, interchangeable, transformable, fractal, portable, edible, audible and visual art.

It is rich in artistic proposals that promote the change of the reality linked to the forms of daily life filling it with content.

It confronts the phenomenon of homologation of artistic expressions, enriches and develops our cultural diversity.
It generates new states of existential freedom linked to art.

Play art is not considered as a new “ism” or current of the XXI century but as the promoter of a ludic society.